#like yes they’re bisexual but
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tereresrock · 5 months ago
x men apocalypse giving cherik female love interests as if they’re not the most toxic codependent always-coming-back-to-each-other ex boyfriends ever
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aforgottenthing · 3 months ago
Tragedy enjoyers when there’s not one, not two, but three combinations of tragic relationships at the center of the narrative AND they’re bisexual
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towards-toramunda · 10 months ago
I am, at a base level, simply a Caleb Widogast and Essek Thelyss enjoyer
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shirozawa · 10 months ago
On the Edge of the World
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yuttikkele · 1 year ago
dickory is canon in every universe but teen titans go me thinks. ttg Robin likes men and might also be an egg. ttg starfire would also never date him, and there’s no way he really likes her at this point he just likes making googly eyes at her
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pie-guts · 2 years ago
OH NO1!!!!1!!! 😱😱😱
*”ruins” your Borderlands Vault Hunters*
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(Sexualities & Genders)
Roland - Transmasc (left) & Straight Ally (right)
Lilith - Transfem (left) & Bisexual (right)
Mordecai - Aromantic (left) & Pansexual (right)
Brick - Bisexual
Axton - Transmasc (left) & Bisexual (right)
Maya - Asexual (left) & Bisexual (right)
Salvador - Aroace (left) & Gay (right)
Zer0 - Agender (left), Aroace (middle), & Pansexual (right)
Gaige - Demigirl (left) & Pansexual (right)
Krieg - Asexual (left) & Bisexual (right)
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Can’t say I’ve ever really heard a song that was SO fitting for a character that I needed to say it was theirs before. With that being said,, Evan Buckley OWNS “what do you want” by Benson Boone
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morewonders · 7 months ago
I may not PERSONALLY jive with the bi Eddie headcanon (to me that man is gay, it’s the secret sauce that makes the character make sense) but the vitriol I’ve seen for it from both sides is ridiculous? It’s either B*ddie fans insisting that he HAS to be gay and has never really cared for a woman in his life, or BT fans pushing hard at the “Eddie Diaz confirmed straight because he *checks notes* misses his wife” agenda and neither of those extremes work for me. Especially the last one, because, as we have learned from our good friend Evan Buckley, you can be with women/be attracted to women your entire life and still be queer! And to take it further back to Michael Grant, you can deeply love your wife and still be gay.
Once again nuance is lost on the majority of the fandom, idk why I’m surprised.
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flyingsassysaddles · 2 years ago
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happy pride from Buttercup and Westley!!! we love our demisexual queen and bisexual king
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koukouture · 2 years ago
Girls know I’m bi, dudes think I’m a lesbian or straight and just playing hard to get, but da girls never like girls themselves, and da guys will call me a lesbian (derogatory) and I will accept it bc I’m too tired to correct them and they’ll leave me alone if I say I like girls.
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silkentine · 8 months ago
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Me when they are the sisters ever: 😭😭😭 They came out soooo freaking well. I won’t lie, they took me a thousand years to finish but through the constant support from all of my buds (and my latent bisexuality), we made it 😤
Hopefully you guys know the deal by now: design choices, easter eggs, and (NEW!) closeup shots below the read more. ⬇️
I wanted Ace to have a very down-to-earth vibe and looked at Aussie beach-girls, coastal cowgirls, and vaqueras for reference. (IDK, I’ve just always envisioned Ace as part-Australian🌺 and Mexican 🏴‍☠️) Her clothing choices are mostly natural or utilitarian materials like the painted wooden beads on her top, her woven fabric and leather belts, and her denim jumpsuit. I gave her bikini top a zen-garden kind of feel because I read the first Ace’s Story Novel and I loved how idyllic and peaceful they made Sixis Island sound so I wanted to invoke that in some way.
Speaking of her painted wooden beads, they hang off the back of her top and represent her connection to Sabo and Luffy. They watch her back once she sets sail. She only wears one red glass bead earring because the other one got ripped out of her ear when a child, leaving her earlobe torn (don’t think about it too much 😢). Also, YES! she does wear a hibiscus flower just like Rouge (because I hate you and I want to make you cry, muhwahahahaha).
Also, I really wanted her to have super textured curly hair that licks behind her like flames. I am always considering whether or not a character should have long hair or not because I don’t want it to be a hindrance if they’re in a fight (or if they ARE a fighter with long hair, how to they avoid an enemy making use of that?). Ace is, of course, a Logia-type Devil Fruit User so I think she wouldn’t have trouble with people grabbing it LOL I get the feeling that she doesn’t take very good care of it even though it looks amazing. Like you’d think it would be soft and bouncy just by looking at it but if you ever get the chance to run your fingers through it, it’s a total rat’s nest and there’s sand and food all up in it. She still falls asleep while eating 😂 but she tries her best to only do it around people she can trust (woman moment 😔).
Honestly, her design is not that different from Ace’s canon look. It feels really vital to Ace’s character to have a lot of skin showing. And he’s always hanging all over himself with his hips all cocked like the weight of the world is too much to stand up straight. It is certainly not my OWN preference to make her an absolute smoke show. That’s just the character, okay? (I’m partially lying and the proof is that I turned the emblem on Ace’s hat strap into a sternum tattoo for no other reason than that it is sexy af.)
Here are some closeups of Ace:
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Now for Sabo, I’ve made her very girly. I tried putting her in pants or something more militant but she told me that she’d wear the big poofy sleeves and hiked-up ruffled skirt. I think Sabo has always had a strong grasp on his fashion sense and individual flair and I truly believe that his personal style is one of the major influences for the rest of the Revolutionary Army resulting in the very flashy, queer, steampunk aesthetic (aside from Dragon’s plain-ass cloak). So of course I had to implement her nonconformist look when reimagining her as a woman and dress her up to the nines.
I’ve given her very ornate jewelry that is there to tell a story, even if she herself doesn’t know it. I like to think she picks up stuff from her travels that resonate with her, such as a damaged set of earrings with one stone missing or red cup-shaped shells featuring three nestled pearls. Another accessory that cannot go unmentioned is her dragon claw hat pin that keeps her top hat resting on top of her hair (and is definitely used as a weapon when the situation simply doesn’t call for trusty metal pipe). She also has a veil that obscures her prominent facial scar. I imagine she’s not very keen on the reminder of the incident from her childhood that took away her memories. I also kept her chipped toothed because 1) it’s fucking adorable and 2) is a visual reminder that she no longer aligns herself with the nobility who would have gotten such a thing fixed. She is so poised in almost every outward facet of her life from her dignified role as the Chief of Staff to the elegant materials in her clothing that it can be easy to forget she was also a rough and tumble forest dweller. Every time Koala remembers this, he lets out the biggest sigh.
Her hair is inspired by Gibson Girls and Elizabeth Swann from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I wanted it to be fussy and tidy but fall apart when she’s in moments of distress. For example, when she remembers her sisters, her hair starts to look like Ace’s flaming mane. I’m so in love with her, I think she looks like an adorable little porcelain doll that would fuck you up. I made an effort to keep her eyes a little bit manic. I get lost in her steely black orbs (and also Ace’s warm brown ones, but we’re talking about Sabo rn).
Here are her close-ups:
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Plot notes for this AU:
For this series of character designs, I wanted the expressions and outfits to be aligned with the canon plot but I don’t know if I have the heart to kill fem!Ace in my AU. I’m too attached and ASL has suffered enough!!!!! But Ace’s death is also a major defining moment for Luffy so it feels disingenuous to completely avoid it. Also a huge aspect of Sabo’s character is carrying on Ace’s will and I have so many thoughts about how the Dressrosa Colosseum scene would play out if they were all women. Oh well, I’ll cross that tragic bridge when I get to it. I’m definitely going to draw some Modern AU Girl Piece ASL though. They deserve to hang out with no stakes 😭 They are sisters!!!
Check out the tag “girl piece” on my blog for my other One Piece genderbends! 🥰
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scoops-aboy86 · 2 months ago
So Hurry Down the Chimney Tonight
Prompt: Time (@steddiemicrofic) | wc: 485 | Rating: T | CW: none | Additional Tags: Steve’s parents are nowhere to be seen, Uncle Wayne works on Christmas, gay Eddie Munson, bisexual Steve Harrington
“Soooo,” Eddie drags out, still not sure what he’s doing in Steve’s living room. Sharing this uncomfortable designer couch and cold bottles of expensive beer. On Christmas Eve, with a big ol’ fire roaring merrily away and no one else as a buffer because they’re the only ones they know without plans tonight. 
They’ve already exhausted what little they have in common to talk about. Eddie isn’t sure, but this is probably the sort of time when straight buddies talk about girls. 
“How are things with Nancy?” he tries, ignoring the usual twinge of jealousy. 
Steve sighs, settling his beer on one knee. “I’m gonna stop you right there, dude.”
Oh. Well. Eddie fiddles with his own bottle and tries to cover his awkwardness with a sip. 
“Nancy and I broke up because she called me and our relationship bullshit,” Steve continues bluntly, nearly causing Eddie to choke on his beer. “Yeah she was drunk, but afterwards she couldn’t even say she loved me. Then she slept with Jonathan before we officially broke up. We’re friends now, but she broke my fucking heart. No way I’m going back down that road.”
“Oh,” Eddie says in a strangled voice. 
“Sorry,” Steve adds with an apologetic shrug as he slouches back into the cushions. “It’s just, Dustin is always on me like a dog with a bone about Robin and that’s bad enough. I really don’t need that about Nance, too.”
“I get it,” Eddie mumbles. He doesn’t—hasn’t dated at all because it’s Hawkins—but he can imagine. “Consider the subject dropped.”
Picking at the label on his beer again, Eddie feels both indignant on Steve’s behalf and chastised for poking at a sore spot he hadn’t realized was there. 
To his surprise, Steve chuckles. “You don’t have to totally drop it. There’s… someone. I just figured it’d save some time if you know it’s not my ex.”
Great, another girl to be pointlessly jealous of. But Eddie wants to be a good friend, so he schools his expression into something neutral. “Cool. So how’s that going?”
“Could be better. I invited them over for Christmas Eve—”
Eddie sits bolt upright. “But that’s today,” he blurts dumbly. Then, with disbelief, “She didn’t show and you settled for calling me?”
Steve raises an eyebrow. No, he’s just taking a godawful long time to take the hint.”
Again, straight to the point. 
“I thought it was so neither of us had to be alone on Christmas Eve,” Eddie replies weakly. This time he gets an eye roll. “… Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.” Steve sits up, sets his beer aside, scoots closer until their thighs touch. “I like you, Eds. And you’re into me, right?”
Eddie’s face is on fire, but he opts to follow Steve’s lead and be blunt. “… Yes.”
And come Christmas Day, when Wayne wakes up from his long post-shift nap, Eddie introduces him to his first boyfriend. 
Permanent tag list (ask to be added/removed):
@hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @hickeysgodcomplex @oatmilk-vampire
@wheneverfeasible @hamiltonswiftie @grtwdsmwhr @yesdangerpls @theseaofdespair
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year ago
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Hades fanart because my friend is incredibly hyperfocused on it and honestly so am i who doesn’t love a game where literally everyone is hot and badass. I’m sure it comes as a surprise to no one that i like this game though considering my mythology special interest. Enemies-to-lovers bisexuals for the win
*little edit but yes i know they’re friends they’re also just really fucking bad at communicating so i like to call them enemies. They’re just losers
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Demon!Y/n: What is this place?
Wanda: What do you mean?
Demon!Y/n: Why are people wearing next to nothing and grinding on each other?
Wanda: Oh, it’s a night club, Tony said we had to go undercover and this is where the mark is
Demon!Y/n: Okay, so why is that woman kissing that other woman?
Wanda: It’s called being lesbians or bisexuals Y/n
Demon!Y/n: Hmm I see, well this behaviour would’ve gotten them burned at the stake
Wanda: You got burned at the stake? For sleeping with a woman!
Demon!Y/n: Yes I did and for being with a woman who was the daughter of the church people, that was for revenge since he decided to accuse me of being sinful
Wanda: You are literally a demon, a demon from hell and I’ve seen you kill a person
Demon!Y/n: A minor setback
Wanda: God you’re exhausting, I don’t know why Tony put you with me and roomed you with me
Demon!Y/n: Whatever let’s just continue the mission and get back
Tony and Nat listening in on their comms
Nat: What were you thinking planning this Tony? You know they don’t like each other
Tony: They’re perfect for each other Nat don’t you see? The tension! The simmering anger between them is palpable and it’s so intriguing!
Nat: You’re way too excited about nothing
Tony: Trust me Nat! When we get back to the compound they’ll be tearing each others clothes off, then Steve owes me $500
Nat: You put a bet on them?! Why did Steve agree to this?
Tony: I got him drunk, and it was difficult considering he’s got special serum in him
Nat:….put me in for $200, I bet they won’t make it outside the club before Wanda pushes Y/n against the wall
Tony: Perfect!
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midnite-c6 · 30 days ago
hear me out — nam-gyu is actually soooo icky. i don’t care what anyone tells me. he’s a icky icky man. he’s so fucking mean too. he thinks of women as possessions (he’s sooo misogynistic. you can’t convince me otherwise) like what do you mean women are their own person and can control their own lives?! no…. they are possessions!
additionally, he is sooo convincing with his words — he can get anyone to trust him quite easily (especially if they’re naive) and he’s taking full advantage of that.
honestly nam-gyu probably has anyone naive trying things they were always against. he has such a way with words when it comes to getting anyone to open up or doing what he wants them to do. he'll give them everything they need to get them to say yes even if it means making promises he doesn't even plan to keep or fulfill.
also, no one can convince me otherwise that this man doesn’t have a thing for trad wives. he definitely likes the idea of codependency and the fact that someone clings to him like a second skin (but let’s be honest, he definitely doesn’t make it out to seem like he likes it — it’s always constant degradation from him: “stupid bitch, can’t ever do anything for yourself, huh? i have to do everything for you”). also likes the idea of baby trapping, because you can’t leave him ♡ but 100% does not like kids.
i also can see him fetishizes the FUCK out of lesbians (once again… this man is ICKY) and i definitely feel like if he was the type to get into a relationship with someone who is bisexual (or closeted lesbian. specifically if he coerces them) he would exploit the shit out of it. bro definitely has a premium subscription to ph. constantly doom scrolling to find something he hasn’t watched yet (specifically lesbians or threesomes (two girls, one guy) it’s definitely one of his biggest fantasies. he is soo gross ♡)
he would probably likes giving some naive, lightweight (never done drugs before) drugs that he knows they wouldn’t be able to handle just so he they can take advantage.
I AM GOING INSANEEEE. i am clawing and gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
warnings: 18+, DARK content, dubcon, baby trapping
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bro i am so sorry i haven't let this out to the public sooner, this is so good and factual fr 💔 like this guy is an misogynistic incel honestly, idfc what anyone else says, u literally can see it in the show how he treats se-mi. he's a meanie.
THE PH SUBSCRIPTION IS SO REAL. also, forces or not, makes u watch porn with him, the disgusting ones like heavy bondage/bdsm, prolly whilst sticking a wand vibrator on ur clit in a setting that's intense BUT wont make u cum so its pure torture..
guys has anyone done se-mi x reader x nam-gyu ? like hello? hello????? ITS RIGHT THERE prolly would watch u & se-mi whilst he's cucking himself. or he's right in the middle of the action, both ur pussies rubbing on his dick.
also, i love nam-gyu corruption kink, to someone whos absolutely clean, pure, law abiding citizen, prolly doesnt even know half of the kinks or stuff u see in pornhub, BUT THAT'S WHY NAM-GYU EXISTS!! to teach you allat, to corrupt u :^
i just dont feel like hes a good person at all, in smut mindset, and in fr the character, hes those toxic bfs who's only "strong" cuz u're just a lil bit weaker than him. and if u try to leave, nuh-uh, u can't, u wanted a child to begin with right?
"fuck you mean, 'i'm leaving you'? bitch please," he scolds, pumping another load inside- straight to your womb, "you wanna be a single mom?" you shake your head immediately, you were on birth control.. but maybe not... oh no! "then don't bullshit me with saying you're 'leaving me'... you know you love me." let's just hope he'll be a good dad... (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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if anyone needs a fluffy lovey namgyu smut this aint the place.. jk, i would prolly post one too heheh <3 also, now i wanna make a full on incel!nam-gyu x reader smut mannn
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nativegirltapes · 21 days ago
how the !readers got asked to be drew/rafe’s valentine ♡
notes: scrounging this up bc i’m lacking valentine’s day content :( hopefully you guys like it! also introducing a new pairing kinda…. it’s basically just the pairing from my older toxic!rafe works i posted when i first started this account but i want to bring them back! not proofread ..
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angel!reader + drew — drew can’t just ask you to be his valentine, there’s always gifts involved. “i got you something.” drew said the minute you hopped in his car. it was pink and white box with red ribbon, you looked at him with a huge smile on your face, just wondering what it could be. it was the new victoria secret set and underwear you’d really been wanting with a hand written love letter and the question ‘can i be your valentine this year?’ written at the end, of course with ‘XOXO your drew’.
tp!mom!reader + drew — drew isn’t only asking you, but he’s asking baby too. it’s a few days before valentine’s day; you and baby had plans at your friends house and when you guys come home drew is stood there with all you and baby’s favorite snacks and a big paper sign with ‘be my valentine?’ written across it. it’s simple, but you love it, you’ve never been asked to be anyone’s valentine before so you feel special and sooo loved. he even got baby a little teddy bear. baby isn’t really exactly sure what’s going on but she’s got the biggest grin on her face.
sweetheart!reader + drew — they’re a little more tame …. it’s not extravagant or anything, but you feel so loved and seen. drew doesn’t go all out, but it’s still cute. it’s exactly a week before Valentine’s Day and you were heading into your crafting room, where you found a mess you didn’t remember making. but the closer you got you seen paper cutouts of letters that read ‘be my valentine?’ your jaw literally drops, “drew!” you yell, but he’s already standing in the doorway. you jump in his arms “yes!”
wag!reader + basketballplayer!drew — drew’s got the average fuck boy proposal; asking you with a big sign and rose petals on his bed. you love it though, you two have come a long way. in previous valentines he wouldn’t even talk to you during the week of valentines, afraid that maybe you’d expect something romantic from him. but this year he’s beyond excited to ask you, he was even bragging to his teammates about you.
bisexual!reader + rafe — rafe doesn’t really ask you to be his valentine. it’s moreso just an agreement to hang out on the day of valentines. “you got plans on the 14th?” rafe asked, hoping you’d say no, and you did. “no, you?” you shut your phone off, you were both quietly doing your own thing while scrolling on your phones, weirdly tangled in with each others bodies; basically cuddling but neither of you ever called it that “no. you tryna come over then?” rafe asked. “yeah.”
bubbly!kook!reader + toxic!rafe — valentine’s day is always a rough time of year for you and rafe, simply because he’s always all over the place and you never know where your relationship stands. some years he’s absolutely head over heels for you, and then there’s some years where you haven’t even talked in weeks. but he shows up to your house with flowers and a bag of your favorite chips. “be my valentine?” he asks, you know you shouldn’t let him back into your life but you physically can’t stop yourself. you run into his arms and hug him, “yes rafey!”
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